Create a Prospect Plan Step Update Batch similar to the Stewardship Plan Step Update Batch

My organization would like to be able to update existing prospect plan steps via batch import, just like you can for stewardship plan steps, using the Stewardship Plan Step Update batch type. Prospect plans are used by almost every organization, more heavily than Stewardship plans, so we think this would be a great feature for CRM to have.

  • Guest
  • May 21 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Inst. for Cancer Research d/b/a The Research Inst of Fox Chase Cancer Center
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Guest commented
      July 01, 2019 13:50

      This would be an excellent addition.  Thanks.

    • Lee Arnason commented
      June 25, 2019 13:22

      Agree - this would be a great option.  At this time we are not using Stewardship Plans but could in the future.  Prospect plans, however, are used a great deal.  Hope this one will happen soon. thanks!

    • Stephanie Boyce commented
      June 08, 2018 13:51

      Our organization would benefit from this greatly as well.