Create the ability to email receipts & pledge reminders

With the ever increasing costs for Postage, Receipt Paper, Envelopes, Ink Cartridges, Printer Maintenance, Pledge Reminder Paper, Mail house charges to mail out, time and labor to receipt, Address Scrubs etc core CRM functionality to email receipts and pledge reminders would be beneficial to all entities that use CRM.  

We need the ability to

  • Receipt donors via preferred email address.
  • Mark specific revenue for re-receipting via email from the revenue tab.(from returned mail)
  • Send pledge reminder notices via preferred email address.
  • Re-send Pledge Reminders via preferred email address.
  • improve donor relations with the time needed to replace lost receipts during tax time


The enhancement request will save money for all of Blackbaud's current customers. 

Email is the future

  • Kierstin Sykes
  • Jul 2 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) UC San Diego
Reported Version 4.0
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    • patrick diment commented
      February 21, 2023 00:35

      Crazy to me that this is not an easy-to-use, core functionality of the system. Honestly makes me unable to recommend this product as a CRM to other organisations.

    • Dez B commented
      September 08, 2022 15:38

      Considering the upcoming Mastercard requirements for recurring gifts, this would be a great improvement to implement..

    • Liz Hackett commented
      August 25, 2022 22:24

      As a conservation organisation, email is much preferred not only for it's environmental reasons but also cost. Come on BB, this should be basic functionality!

    • Liz Feskoe commented
      April 21, 2021 16:21

      If this were installed SIX years ago when BBCRM users first asked for this, we all would have been ahead of other organizations relating to e-receipting during this pandemic. Blackbaud, please put your focus on core functionality rather than "cool stuff" your top CRM dudes feel like working on. Sorry for being rude but I'm not happy with paying third party entities for core functionality products.

    • Art Gerstein commented
      October 30, 2019 23:31

      Why not look into the Blackbaud Market Place for ReceipterPro ?  What allows you to do with receipting will make you do a double-take !  ReceipterPro can do a receipting session of multiple receipt templates and can print AND natively e-mail receipts.  Blackbaud lets you do some receipting using mail merges - isn't that kind of ancient?  Check out

    • Chris Jackson commented
      May 10, 2019 14:31

      Should there be a flag where donors preference to receive e-receipts over paper receipts can be recorded.
      This would allow the org to honor a donors preference instead of setting an arbitrary rule if it wishes.

    • Erika Layfield commented
      January 18, 2019 18:32


    • David Wanless commented
      July 30, 2018 03:10

      See earlier version of same idea -

      Come on BB.  This should be core functionality!

    • Kierstin Sykes commented
      July 03, 2018 14:54

      Good point!  I edited it!

    • Allen Roth commented
      July 03, 2018 14:16

      This should not just function off of primary email, but take into account mail preferences.

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