In Raiser's Edge, we can (and do on a daily basis) send email receipts for donations from a variety of sources (e.g., credit card and cheque payments on paper appeals, direct debit and credit card annual renewals). I gather this is not possible in BBCRM, which seems like a major backwards step. We are upgrading to BBCRM next year and it would be fantastic if this basic functionality had been introduced by then. We send out many thousands of email receipts each year and it would be a major backward step to have to revert to sending them on paper.
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) | The Wilderness Society Inc (Australia) |
Reported Version | 4.0 |
Blackbaud, this idea has been open for 9 years now and this would be really widely used given the amount of technology we use now, pushes to use less paper, be more efficient and reduce costs. Please review this!
If this were to be implemented, surely there would be a way to put in an electronic copy of our letterhead so that when the e-receipt is sent out, it resembles our usual hard copy.
Yes please, this is definitely needed, as universities everywhere declare a climate crisis, reduction of paper usage should be a priority, and BB can help with this.
Ereceipting should be basic functionality!
I'm staggered that in 2020 this is still not standard functionality.
Would love to see this implemented - a great idea.
This would be a great idea, especially as during the COVID pandemic it's difficult to work in the office to generate receipts
UWA uses the BBP feature pack and is in the process of doing some enhancements to the standard functionality. However, it goes without saying that receipts should be configurable OOB to be sent via mail or email, depending on communication preferences at the constituent level, in the same way as marketing efforts.
It's great that this idea is back on the table. Many customers in Blackbaud Pacific are using a 'Feature Pack' built out by BBP to manage e-receipts. - It would be great to see this as part of core product and if you wanted to reach out to the team at BBP please PM me on - We can share the work we have done, and how it is used, which may expedite an 'in product' launch
Yes! This would be very welcomed by our CRM customers.
Note that Blackbaud Pacific have an e-receipts customisation. Though far from perfect it has proved very useful. It should be put into the base product, with improvements.
Having the kind of built-in e-receipting process that is part of the traditional donation form, for other form types, would be ideal. That e-receipt gives enough configuration/merge fields in the set-up to serve as an actual receipt and it integrates nicely with the BBCRM batches/rev records. No need to re-invent the wheel! You've already created a great option--just roll it out to other BBIS form types! Maybe this is a seperate idea, but it is equally important to my team.
This should definitely be a part of CRM acknowledgment processes. It is pretty standard with most systems at this point, and considering the sophistication of CRM, and the sophistication of the organizations that use CRM, the possibility of online receipting for all gifts should be a priority.
E-Receipts would be great! I hope RDO really takes a hard look at this one.
We are also converting to BBCRM next year. In our current system (not RE) we have a process that automatically emails receipts to supporters who have been flagged for an email receipt. This is regardless of the donation channel. Supporters can phone or mail back a donation with a coupon and select to have their receipt emailed . It is popular with our supporters and reduces our costs. We are very disappointed to find this is not possible in BBCRM. We would be delighted if this functionality is added next year before we go live.
David, this feature would add real value for customers and especially those who are moving more and more to electronic receipting. There are ample organisation who offer this as a choice for donors and more are moving to "being green" and exercising the choice for the donors themselves. BBCRM ought to be able to produce an electronic receipt for those who give offline as well as online. Thanks for raising this item on behalf of many customers!