Add an AddressFinder setting to ensure all constituents with a shared address have their address information updated

When we run the AddressFinder process, we are running into a problem where only some constituents with a shared address are receiving the update from AddressFinder. So, for example, prior to running AddressFinder, we may have a household and all household members with the same, linked address. However, after an AddressFinder batch is committed, we might have the primary household member with 'Address A' as the primary address, but the other household member(s) and household record still have 'Address B'.

We'd like to request functionality ensuring that all household members and household receive the same AddressFinder result so that our constituents have the correct contact information.

  • Guest
  • Jun 17 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Feed the Children
Reported Version 4.0
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