When in Query, and Interaction Category or Categories are set, only show the Subcategories for the Category or Categories selected

When adding interactions, once you select the Category, the Subcategory list is limited to only the subcategories on that Category. It would be super helpful if this was also the case in query.

  • Lisa Fields
  • Mar 7 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Breast Cancer Now
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Paul Mehta commented
      March 08, 2023 10:31

      Would the simple solution be to Concatenate the Category and SubCategory with a suitable delimiter that does not affect any of the programming languages/outputs. Maybe ASCII Character 30, which looks like ^^.

      I think the main view to look at would be V_QUERY_INTERACTION.

      Then a new output field something like:


      Then update the query tool to use the new column from the view at Constituent and Interaction level.

      Could be a simple customisation, that could be tested. If it it works for one client, easy to roll out in a patch. Pretty confident ^^ not usedin the text of our Category or SubCategory fields.