Add the ability to create a contact report from a Stewardship Plan

The system currently allows a contact report to be created from within a Major Giving Plan. Extend this functionality so that a contact report can also be created from within a Stewardship Plan.
  • Allen Roth
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Carrie Ginnane commented
      March 26, 2019 19:42

      In general, I wish that Stewardship Plans worked more similarly to Prospect Plans. Not having a way to add longer comments to their steps is a challenge. Their participant list doesn't have an easy drop down menu to add people on the plan, you have to search to add. Also, having them be viewed in a separate way from the other plans and interactions is a challenge. Stewardship is part of the overall comprehensive view of a constituent account, so their plans should be better integrated with Prospect Plans for visibility. 

    • Stephen Mally commented
      March 13, 2019 20:45

      We need interactions in stewardship plans, please

    • Guest commented
      March 12, 2019 23:07

      As front-line fundraisers document their work with donors, it’s easy for them to capture salient points from meetings by adding contact reports from a Major Giving Plan. The “paperwork” associated with documenting donor interactions is simple. It’s more cumbersome for fundraisers to document stewardship meetings since they can’t enter a contact report from a stewardship plan. Multiple clicks and entries on multiple screens are required. To carry this functionality from Major Giving Plans to Stewardship Plans would streamline the process for fundraisers, allowing them to focus energy on the relationship with the donor rather than extra work to document stewardship efforts.

    • Stephen Mally commented
      March 12, 2019 18:57

      Please! Contact reports are as vital to a stewardship plan as they are to a prospect plan. Thank you.

    • Guest commented
      May 11, 2016 09:41

      Yes, please.

      Not being able to create contact reports on a stewardship plan step like it is possible on a prospect plan step is currently a show stopper for us to use stewardship plan. We will probably need to put our fundraiser through a  workaround, such as documentation, which will make life for all of us a bit harder.

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