Consolidate the dialog boxes for adding v. editing plan step/interactions

Currently I have found that there are three (3) different style dialog boxes for adding v. editing the following: 

  • adding or editing an interaction:
  • Add or Edit a step
  • An unplanned contact report

There are probably more that I just haven't discovered yet.  Why so many differently flavors of essentially the same thing?  This has been a source of confusion as we train frontline fundraisers to use the system.  It would be much easier to train users to enter the fields if the dialog box looked the same. 


Also, I suspect that some of these dialog boxes are html enabled and some are not which is causing weird behavior in other data-lists within the system.  If you had one dialog box for all of these items there wouldn't be such inconsistency in the system and would really help matters on the end-user experience and adoption of the product.

  • Guest
  • Sep 20 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) University of Illinois Foundation - UIC
Reported Version 4.0
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