Add the ability to enter an event registration and an event registration payment in the same batch.

When a event registration is created in BBIS, the event registration and the event payment are processed in the same BBIS Event Registration batch. Currently, when registering outside of BBIS, an event registration and payment must be processed by committing two different batches- Event registration batch (for the registration) and Enhanced Revenue batch (for the payment). I would like to be able to include field in an Event Registration batch and/or and Enhanced Revenue batch, so that both the registration and the payment can be committed in the same batch. I would prefer to do both processes in the Enhanced Revenue batch, since the Event Registration Batch Control Report is not useful for reporting payment information (BBIS event registrations).  This would really streamline the data entry process for events.

  • Guest
  • May 2 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Trinity Health
Reported Version 4.0
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