Correct Generate Payments so that payments are dated on the day generated, even if they were due in X days

In a Generate Payments process we can select to 'Generate payments due on or before' 'X days after this process runs'.  This is a useful feature in that if the last business day of the month is not the last calendar day of the month we can reach forward to collect payments due over the weekend, say.  E.g., on 29th June 2018 we can collect payments due on Saturday 30th June.  However, it then strangely dates the payments as made on 30th June, when they were not.  Please correct this bug.  Having payments dated incorrectly is confusing for staff and supporters, showing up incorrectly on receipts and in queries.

If some organisations for some reason like this behaviour, perhaps you could offer another setting beneath the current one, "Date the payments", with the same options "Date this process runs" (default value), "Specific date" and "X days after this process runs".  Then the existing question would relate only to the 'Recurring gift next transaction date' and have no effect on the date put on the payment.  We and most other organisations who would want the gifts dated on the date that the money was actually taken, would leave this second setting at "Date this process runs" and the organisations who want to preserve the current behaviour would set it to one of the other two options.

  • David Wanless
  • Sep 18 2018
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Wilderness Society Ltd (Australia)
Reported Version 4.0
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