Fix the bug in the Data List editor which corrupts filters when the same underlying field has two filters applied

Presently, if we add a field to a Data List twice and then filter on it with two different filters, this works.  However, if we then edit the Data List, the filters are corrupted, both being set to the same filter type.


E.g., if we add

Revenue\Date (Start Date)


Revenue\Date (End Date)

then apply the 'On Or After' filter to the first instance and the 'On Or Before' filter to the second instance, this works and allows us to find all records between the two dates.  However, if we edit the Data List and Save it, whether or not we have made any changes, both filters are set to 'On Or Before' and our Data List no longer works as intended and our users get confused and frustrated.  We also can't even go into Edit to see how the Data List is configured, as it instantly displays the corrupted values and not the actual values which are stored in the Data List.


Please fix this bug.


Note that would also help as many reasons for setting multiple filters on the same field would disappear.

  • David Wanless
  • Aug 8 2019
  • Shipped
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Wilderness Society Ltd
Reported Version 4.0
  • Aug 8, 2019

    Admin response

    Please raise any bugs via our Support channels, this portal is for providing clients with an opportunity to raise ideas for improvements and new features.

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    • Admin
      Daisy Alarcon commented
      July 21, 2023 18:42

      This was shipped in Service Pack 35.

    • Admin
      Daisy Alarcon commented
      August 30, 2022 17:03

      Unfortunately, this idea is not Planned in an upcoming release. We are setting the status back to Open until we can say with absolute certainty that it will be planned and released. We sincerely appreciate your understanding in advance. Thank you.

    • Jennifer Quinn commented
      August 17, 2019 20:56

      Hello David, we have come across this issue as well and I was curious if you heard that going through Support is the best way to address this.




    • David Wanless commented
      August 09, 2019 02:34

      Hi Admin,

      Sorry about that.  It's very common for Support to suggest that we raise issues which we consider as bugs here as they consider them as 'working as designed'.  It's hard to know the difference.  We may have already raised this particular one with Support.  I'll check.

