Would like the Address validation software in CRM to be able to modify the city name if necessary

We have noticed that a particular city in Georgia, is misspelled when we validate the address in CRM.  It is LaGrange, GA.  The address validation software changes it to Lagrange, which is incorrect.  I was told by Blackbaud that the USPS software uses all CAPS for cities and CRM manipulates the results before updating the records so they won't be in all caps.  Unfortunately, that doesn't take into account city names that have capital letters in the middle of the name.  We would like this modified to change the results to the proper spelling of cities like LaGrange.  Thank you.

  • Jennier Morell
  • Nov 13 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Georgia Tech Foundation
Reported Version 4.0
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