Allow Query Dependencies feature to be permitted to non-sys admin users by system role

The query dependencies feature was useful to us because it prevented our developers from having to write database queries to find dependencies preventing query deletion. Without allowing this feature to be permitted to users, the task falls back to IT sys admins to intervene to allow users to clean up queries. This feature should be putting the power in our users hands to delete dependencies and queries. Our technical staff should be spending time on db health and SDK customizations instead.

  • Jennifer Borri
  • Apr 2 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Best Friends Animal Society
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Satya Atluri commented
      January 05, 2024 13:55

      Agreed, this is a much needed functionality that should be available for the user /query group that creates the queries to begin with. There should be no need for an Admins to intervene.

    • Stephanie Boyce commented
      October 31, 2022 15:09

      I still find it funny that you have created an indicator that says a query is being prevented from being deleted but you still wont permission the ACTUAL Dependencies feature that tells you what that said query is. So this STILL falls to IT to have to research, figure out what the dependency list is, and either delete them all themselves or send it back to the end user and hope they delete them in the right order.