Feature Permission Record Operation to Secure Deleting Queries (Smart and AdHoc)
We need a way to secure queries (smart and ad-hoc) from being deleted. In our organization we have a select few that build smart queries and multiple users on ad-hoc. We have had a problem with queries being deleted either accidentally, or intentionally, when they shouldn't have been.
I would also like to see a change that would allow my organization to restrict access for certain staff members to be able to add or edit queries but still be able to run them. We have some staff that need access to queries that are designed but to not have them modify things and in the past what they do if I restrict access to edit the query by security role is they just make a copy of it and then modify their own copy and they then might end up making mistakes in the logic and taking action on bad information. I would like them to be able to run queries that are setup, just not to add/edit/delete.