Expose the credit card token and/or its existence via Ad-hoc Query

At the moment there is no way of telling in Ad-hoc Query, whether a Recurring Gift with Payment method = Credit Card, has enough information to deduct a payment, i.e., has a token. The display in BBCRM shows 'Credit card - last 4 digits' or 'Credit card - automatic' depending on whether there is a token or not, but this distinction is not available in Ad-hoc Query so we can't query on records which are set to 'Credit card - last 4 digits', which indicates that there has been a problem on importing the credit card information. We are trying to build an Email Alert to let us know when any RGs like this are found.

We may also want to export the token to our telemarketing provider so that they can give us updated expiry dates without having to re-collect the credit card number, although we've not really explored this. It does mean that it would probably be handy to have two fields - one Yes/No for whether a token exists and another being the actual GUID token.

  • David Wanless
  • Mar 18 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Wilderness Society Ltd
Reported Version 4.0
  • Attach files
  • David Wanless commented
    September 24, 2024 00:00

    We ended up building our own query node for this, and it's been useful. It might still be useful to others if Blackbaud provided this.