add response codes to CRM when a card has a status of 'Not Updated' after running through the Credit Card Updater

Once a month the Credit Card Updater (CCU) runs through a number of cards to see if they need to be updated. There will be cards that come back with a status of Updated, Not Updated, and then there will be cards that will have no update needed. After the CCU runs, you can view the cards to see what status they received. CRM does not inform you of response codes that the CCU receives for Not Updating the credit card information. Here is the KB Article to the CCU Response Codes: It is important to know what reason the cards did not get updated to know if the card holder will need to be contact to update this information. 

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  • Mar 21 2017
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Save the Children
Reported Version 4.0
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