Consistently display the full date/time range (day, month, and year) for multi-day events in all sections of the Event Registration Form

My organization has a number of events that last for multiple days. When we put these events on a BBIS Event Registration Form, the event date/time is inconsistently displayed on the part and it changes depending on the number of registration options included. For example, some areas are missing the year, some areas are missing the range, etc.

We would like the form to to show the full date and time in each section of the part.

  • We would like the full event date range displayed at the top of the part, below the event name. Currently, multi-day events only show the event's start date at the top of the Event Registration Form part.

  • On the Event's Select Events tab/section, we would like the day of the week, day of the month, month, year, and time(s) displayed for the start date/start time and end date/end time, so our registrants clearly know when the event is, how long it lasts, and when they should show up.

  • Guest
  • Jul 18 2024
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
BBIS / Events
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