Assign specific web form pages from BBIS to specific batch types within the batch assignments tab

Web tab > web transactions > Batch Assignment tab > +Add < Set transaction type to “Membership” then +Add < Set Assign by to “BBIS Site” and hover over the table below, “Assign by site”, and click the arrow. 

We would benefit from having the option to edit the drop-down list.

The membership batch assignments have different options than the Donations batch which allows one to select “Page”. If one selects ‘Page”, then several BB hosted webpages appear to be options (web pages within the CRM itself) upon clicking the search magnifying glass in the “Assign by page” table then clicking the “Search” button.

  • Andrew Koop
  • Feb 24 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • David Wanless commented
    August 25, 2017 01:44

    Agreed.  We should certainly have much the same options for memberships as for donations in specifying which batch template to assign payments to.  It seems crazy that we can't assign by BBIS page.  That means we can't define an Appeal, Effort or anything else relevant to the revenue associated with the membership.


    Please give us at least the "Page" option, Blackbaud.