Allow 'Not equal to' as operator for boolean fields in Ad-hoc Query

Please allow 'Not equal to' as an operator for boolean fields in Ad-hoc Query.  This would allow us to compare two boolean fields to see if they were not the same and would allow us to check whether a field was anything other than True, e.g., False or blank.  Both of these are real life examples.  At the moment we have to build subqueries to do these sorts of comparisons, or sometimes just export the data and do the comparison in Excel, which is hardly best practice.

  • David Wanless
  • Oct 29 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Wilderness Society Ltd (Australia)
Reported Version 4.0
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    • David Wanless commented
      June 14, 2023 01:27

      This has just come up again. We've found that some of our mobile phone records have 'Do not SMS' = blank, which is interfering with us selecting them for sending SMSs. However, we can't use Ad-hoc Query to find these records and we can't exclude 'No's in an Export Definition without also excluding these records with blanks.