Reflect all available options for “GL Post Status” in Ad-hoc Query criteria

Currently, Ad-Hoc Query has these options for the criteria of GL Post Status: "posted", "not posted", and "do not post".

But on the transaction page, the Post Status could also be "posted - activity pending status"

Because of this mismatch, transactions currently in the “posted - activity pending status” can’t be identified directly with Ad-Hoc Query, complicating the creation of revenue Selections. Please add this extra status to the criteria in Ad-Hoc Query. Revenue ad-hoc query criteria should completely match the different statuses that a transaction can have.

  • Guest
  • Jun 12 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Southern Methodist University
Reported Version 4.0
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  • wes waters commented
    August 06, 2018 20:09
    Further confusing is that per this KB article (, you must "post the revenue again" to get out of this status. However, you cannot focus on this revenue via post process since Ad Hoc Query doesn't recognize it...