Add the ability to change which Prospect Plan Step drives the Plan Stage

At this time the Prospect Plan Stage is driven by the last completed step based on date completed, or if there are no completed steps it will use a pending step. This case cause confusion as sometimes the pending step is so far in advance that it's not a proper reflection of the progress of the solicitation.

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  • Oct 14 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Mel F.P. commented
      October 28, 2022 13:59

      We have heard unanimously from our fundraisers their pending steps are not intended to drive the plan stage. The plan stage driven by pending steps is skewing our pipeline and other key reports and, while we want to encourage fundraisers to use pending steps to track upcoming meetings, we don't want them to mistakenly drive the plan stage. This is a pressing issue for us and we are so grateful to Blackbaud for looking into this.