Add the option to allow import of a donation revenue record to 'deceased' individuals.

Currently it requires a lot of work-around steps to bring in donations from someone who may have been erroneously marked as deceased. The preference would be that the revenue import can go through without error, and then we can create a report of those so that internal staff can investigate the status of the individual.

  • Melanie Poirier
  • Mar 28 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • David Wanless commented
    July 10, 2023 00:46

    This is similar to the problem with Interaction imports identified in

    In both cases, the data is real and should be able to be imported, not have to be manually worked around or entered, with all of the inherent risks for data quality, as well as the wasted time in dealing with an exception.

  • Admin
    Nicola Cameron commented
    March 29, 2023 13:59

    The Paste List functionality is available only in Query. You may be able to update the Import process to allow for Deceased Constituents via a customization. I have set this Idea flag back to "Voting Open" to gauge interest. Thank-you for your input.

  • Melanie Poirier commented
    March 29, 2023 13:19

    Hi Nicola, does the Paste List function allow us to paste the Exception file data rows into the batch? That is the problem we have. We do not reject donations from anyone, deceased or not so those records have to be manually entered back into the import batch file. Getting the exception data over to a team to research is not the problem

  • Admin
    Nicola Cameron commented
    March 29, 2023 08:54

    Import provides the ability to create a batch for successful rows of data and create an exception file for the others. In addition the rejected records Datalist can be downloaded to csv or xls for cross referencing. As of Service Pack 32, Query has "Paste List" functionality. A new Paste list button has been added that allows users to paste lists (such as IDs, ZIP Codes, etc. from an Excel column) into the Ad Hoc Query One Of and Not One Of filter criteria. This will allow you to create a Query based on the exception file LookupIds in order that your users can investigate those records.