Allow more revenue types (i.e. matching gifts from 3rd party donors) to be associated with opportunities.

Allow more revenue types (i.e. matching gifts from 3rd party donors) to be associated with opportunities. Currently the system only allows you to associate with revenue types of Pledge and Gift.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
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    • Trit Mulligan commented
      September 09, 2016 19:00

      Hi Erika!

      I am happy to report that this will ship with 4.0 Service Pack 10 which is targeted to release September 30, 2016.  It will support linking matching gifts, planned gifts and event registrations to opportunities. Pledges and donations are already supported.  

      Trit Mulligan

    • Erika Layfield commented
      September 09, 2016 18:54

      HI Trit - Will this be included in a 4.0 service pack now that there are no immediate plans for a 5.0 release? If so, which service pack?

    • Trit Mulligan commented
      June 14, 2016 16:04

      Hi James,

      We are finalizing the documentation and will make it available in the community in the next week or so.  I'll update this idea so those who are interested will get notified. 



    • Guest commented
      June 10, 2016 15:34

      Trit, would you be able to provide more information about this feature for release 5.0?  We have been exploring the area of donor's match and one thing we would like to see is linking opportunities to donor matches information.  Would be great to have some type of release notes in detail in regarding to this feature.  

    • Trit Mulligan commented
      March 23, 2016 01:24

      Thanks Sue.  We are planning to release the ability to link Matching Gifts, Planned Gifts and Event Registrations with version 5.0.

    • Guest commented
      March 15, 2016 13:46

      Hi Trit, Thanks, I meant the recurring gift itself. A few of our major donors give large open ended regular gifts. Would be good to be able to link a recurring gift to an opportunity, rather than add the solicitors manually or set up as fixed term pledge [& then remember to renew].

    • Trit Mulligan commented
      March 15, 2016 13:14

      Sue - are you looking for the recurring gift to be linked or the individual recurring gift payments to be associated?  You can link the payments to an opportunity today.  Thanks!

    • Guest commented
      March 15, 2016 08:04

      Really hope linking recurrent gifts to opportunities is included in this planned release.

    • Andrew Koop commented
      November 09, 2015 16:15

      This feature will be a tremendous help to our research team.

    • Guest commented
      October 26, 2015 21:37

      Specifically pledge payments!

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