Identify and linkify related data on all screens in CRM

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE assign someone to go through every CRM screen and identify where there is a data element (constituent name, designation name, etc.) that ties to another piece of data but is not a clickable link and have them turn it into a link.  Some examples:


Revenue History -- No way to access designation / surface designation ID

Transaction -- No way to access designation / surface designation ID

Application Detail -- No way to access designation / surface designation ID

Purpose Stewardship Tab -- No Way to determine which Jim Smith is listed


I'll buy pizza for the person / team that pulls this off!



  • Brandon O'Leary
  • Aug 7 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Indiana University Foundation
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Jordan Sites commented
      August 12, 2019 13:46


    • Brandon O'Leary commented
      August 08, 2019 18:29

      This is a valuable enhancement as it would expose the relationships that exist in the database saving end-users from devoting time to finding information. 


      For example, if a user is on the Purpose Stewardship tab they ay see that Jane Smith has a relationship to the purpose.  Unfortunately, CRM has 49 Jane Smith records and there is no way to tell which Jane Smith is connected to the purpose.  Jane Smith is a constituent in the database and as such, I would expect to be able to click her name and see more details about her. 

      A similar use case on revenue screens, if a donor calls and wants to know the account number to add to their check to make sure it is deposited correctly we can see the name of the account they gave to, but clicking the name should expose the actual account including the number and other important details.


      If a piece of data on the screen is tied to a record with more details it should always be clickable to expose the additional details when needed saving the user from having to initiate a new look-up to find the data.