Alert Proxy User owner when PAT expires unexpectedly

Please create a real time (email?) alert to the application user who is the owner of a Proxy User and alert the application user when a Personal Access Token (PAT) is marked inactive. This is particularly problematic when the PAT is marked inactive due to five successive failed login attempts. Proxy Users are the only solution for real time integrations with BB hosted CRM clients. PATs that are inactivated due to failed login attempts then create a production down issue with integrations sytems/services and the failure occurs silently, leaving production down until some other system/process alert us to the issue (usually end user complaints).

This is filed under Security due to the impact on Availability of ancillary systems when PATs are expired unexpectedly.

  • wes waters
  • Sep 6 2024
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Wake Forest University
Reported Version 4.0
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