Ability to End date on single email address/phone

It's great that an end date was added to email addresses and phones! However, if it is the constituent only email address or phone the end date is grayed out. We may know that the email address or phone is no longer valid and not have a new email address or phone for that constituent. We need to be able to end date an email address or phone number if it's the consituent only email address or phone number.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Rick Root commented
      July 02, 2024 14:47

      WORKAROUND SUGGESTION: Add a custom edit form to end date a primary phone, email, or address. The restriction is in the data form itself and NOT in the back end of the database. I've scripted it with some import processes, and my data management person yells at me because I'm doing things that users cannot do (and i've never thought to actually do this workaround myself)

    • Harvey Spikin commented
      July 01, 2024 22:42

      This one is a no brainer and has been suggested for such a long time.

    • Admin
      Pat Conley commented
      July 01, 2024 20:27

      Due to other pressing priorities we do not have a near-term timeline for this one yet. It has however been closely evaluated by our engineering team and in terms of Idea Bank items it is at the top of our list to implement. We will put any further updates on status here.

    • Kathi Martin commented
      July 01, 2024 14:14

      This one has been out there quite a long time and has a lot of votes. Any idea if or when this could be implemented?

    • Guest commented
      May 26, 2021 19:01

      It would be nice if we could enter an end date on the primary address also.

    • Preston Lundgreen commented
      May 25, 2021 22:30

      These limitations negatively impact data quality as well as reporting. We need the ability to end date any contact data that is no longer valid. This functionality forces organizations to muddy up their data attempting workarounds that are ineffective and confusing for many end users.

    • Roberto Haddon commented
      September 28, 2020 08:50

      We definitely need the option to add an end date to a Primary postal address (as well as Primary email addresses and phones) . At the moment, the postal addresses which are pulled from CRM into BBIS profile update are those which do not have an end date - and this means that the Primary address is pulled into BBIS even if it is flagged as 'Do not mail'. If the user overwrites that (old) address in BBIS with new address details, the Primary address record is updated in CRM but retains the 'Do not mail' flag. Of course, if anyone knows how to get round this, let me know! (r.haddon@ucl.ac.uk)

    • Bryan Plocek commented
      September 14, 2020 14:33

      In at least one of the merged ideas is the ability to future end date an address. Please include that as well, sometimes a constituent will tell you they are moving or switching jobs on a certain date, having to wait until that date and then remember to update the record is very easy to forget.

    • Margaret Parviainen commented
      September 11, 2020 19:57

      There are a few other ideas stating the same thing, each with a total of over 60 votes combined. These should be merged. It should also be consistent across phone, email and mailing address, so this is fixed for each of those locations.

    • Stephanie Krebs commented
      October 17, 2019 13:52

      Yes!  So many of our users are confused when there is not an end date on contact information, even with the caution icon.  

    • Guest commented
      March 01, 2019 13:38

      Unfortunately the out of box table constraint doesn't allow primary contact records to be end dated. However I think Zuri Group has a solution that might be able to help with this.

    • Joel Bingham commented
      January 22, 2019 20:27

      No brainer! Would be very helpful here at UC San Diego.

    • Becky Batman commented
      January 22, 2019 20:12

      I recommend this for an address as well.

      This leaves updaters to have to go in after a new piece of contact data is received and add an End date to the old address.  Procedure.

      1. Process email a@aol.com as a former email, no new email is known.  a@aol.com still has a TYPE of CURRENT but it states Do not email.  This is confusing to the casual data user.

      2. Two months later add b@aol.com as the new address and then go into a@aol.com and add an END date so the TYPE is marked as Former.

    • Erika Layfield commented
      January 22, 2019 18:40

      Yes.  We have a work around of creating a new type called former, but this doesn't seem right!

    • Tony Graddon commented
      September 28, 2016 05:42

      The ability to End-date a Primary email address should only be available when Do not email is already selected.  These two fields will need to be interlinked to prevent self-contradictory data.

    • Guest commented
      February 25, 2016 05:16

      This is a no brainer for us at the Salvos. It is frustrating that we need another email/phone/address to end date the obsolete one. We don't always get a replacement email/phone/address

    • Asif Siddiqui commented
      October 14, 2015 21:52

      Same issue at Plan International Canada where if there is only one email or phone number the requirement is to end date it and not deleted the information for historical purposes

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